The antibody has been used on rat brain slice at the given dilution and it worked well for immunofluorescence. (antigen retrieval recomanded)
Dilution used: 1:500.
For more information see Ma et al. Cell Reports 2019, “Spontaneous Pain Disrupts Ventral Hippocampal CA1-Infralimbic Cortex Connectivity and Modulates Pain Progression in Rats with Peripheral Inflammation”.
On May 13, 2020 Longyu Ma wrote:
The antibody has been used on rat brain slice at the given dilution and it worked well for immunofluorescence. (antigen retrieval recomanded)
Dilution used: 1:500.
For more information see Ma et al. Cell Reports 2019, “Spontaneous Pain Disrupts Ventral Hippocampal CA1-Infralimbic Cortex Connectivity and Modulates Pain Progression in Rats with Peripheral Inflammation”.