On January 26, 2016Adam Munhall, VA Portland Health Care System wrote:
Using companies own control lysate and our rat brain lysate made in RIPA lysis, this antibody (Lot B0515) did not label properly at 44-45kDa. Moreover it did not label expressed Kir6.2 continaing serum (kindly donated by Dr Show Ling Shyng). Lysates were run on Bio-Rad precast gels, wet transferred to Amersham protran membrane, primary dilution 1:200, fluoresced with DyLight800-4Xpeg secondary from Thermo-Pierce, and imaged on a Licor Odyssey. Positive results using this protocol was had with another Santa Cruz antibody (H-55, sc-20809, see separate reivew).
On January 26, 2016 Adam Munhall, VA Portland Health Care System wrote:
Using companies own control lysate and our rat brain lysate made in RIPA lysis, this antibody (Lot B0515) did not label properly at 44-45kDa. Moreover it did not label expressed Kir6.2 continaing serum (kindly donated by Dr Show Ling Shyng). Lysates were run on Bio-Rad precast gels, wet transferred to Amersham protran membrane, primary dilution 1:200, fluoresced with DyLight800-4Xpeg secondary from Thermo-Pierce, and imaged on a Licor Odyssey. Positive results using this protocol was had with another Santa Cruz antibody (H-55, sc-20809, see separate reivew).