On May 8, 2015Simon Mølgaard Jensen, Aarhus University wrote:
This antibody was tested on 15 um thick hippocampal cryo sections from a perfusion fixed mouse. Prior to immunohistochemistry, the tissue was target retrieved using DAKO antigen retrieval s1699.
NOTE: This antibody is IgM and was therefore tested using goat anti-mouse IgM 568 (#A-21043) from Life Technologies.
The antibody did not work for IHC. No signal was observed but a somewhat high background was seen. The manufacturer suggested treating the tissue with pepsin due to the size of the IgM molecule. This however, i did not try.
On May 8, 2015 Simon Mølgaard Jensen, Aarhus University wrote:
This antibody was tested on 15 um thick hippocampal cryo sections from a perfusion fixed mouse. Prior to immunohistochemistry, the tissue was target retrieved using DAKO antigen retrieval s1699.
NOTE: This antibody is IgM and was therefore tested using goat anti-mouse IgM 568 (#A-21043) from Life Technologies.
The antibody did not work for IHC. No signal was observed but a somewhat high background was seen. The manufacturer suggested treating the tissue with pepsin due to the size of the IgM molecule. This however, i did not try.